Tuesday, July 31, 2012

!!! The Discovery Channel Presents Deadliest Catch The Movie Starring Clark Kent !!!

Well, we saw The Dark Knight (my review comes soon, very soon) and in a word, WOW! Great stuff! Go see it, you'll like it. We also got to see the teaser for a small movie called The Man of Steel (or just Man of Steel, because the "the" would make it less dark and edgy). Color me unimpressed. My first thought was, Deadliest Catch the Movie (I fully expected Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive to start playing), and my second thought was,"WTF is this crap?" If they wanted me to go, "Wow, the Man of Steel trailer", they were sorely mistaken. The only indication of what it's about was the shot at the end of Superman flying (at least he wasn't jumping). The voice over, I found out later, could have been one of two, either Russell Crowe as Jor-El or Kevin Costner as Pa Kent (Jonathan if you want to get technical). Both great actors and I have no doubt that they will do fine in those roles (the voice overs do give me slight hope because they seem to be well written), but the rest of the teaser, nothing, nada, zip. Didn't feel a thing. No excitement, no holding my breath, no chills, just a whole lot a nothing. So far, Warner Bros. is 0 for nothing when it comes to this version of Superman. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe they'll pull a rabbit out of their hats, wait, who am I kidding no they won't. Superman will crash and burn and Warner Bros. will have to pick up the pieces. Wait, maybe I'm being to hard. I just know that the whole, "let's chunk everything that came before and do the dark and edgy thing" is seriously rubbing me the wrong way. Superman is the Donner movies, Superman is Christopher Reeve, and Superman is John William's score. Without those as a basis, the castle will crumble. I'll reserve final judgement for when I see it, until then give me something that get's me excited, quit jerking everyone around.

In the teaser they use Howard Shore's music from Lord of the Rings (the scene in Khazad-dûm to be precise). Well, if you've been keeping up, that there is crap in my book. That worked for Lord of the Rings, but I don't see a Balrog in Superman. Where is the classic John Williams theme? Thankfully someone has made that change for us and can I say the result is 100 times better. They also included the Jor-El voice over by Marlon Brando from the first Superman movie (you know the one, "They are a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way." I get chills just typing that). I'll include all three versions below and you can decide for yourself. Thanks to Cinema Blend for the recut trailer. Sit through the first two but stay for the third.

Todd "I Got A Pocket Full Of Kryptonite" B.

Kevin Costner

Russell Crowe

John Williams, Yea!!!

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